Monday, January 13, 2014

Guinguineo... from SPAAAAAAAAACE!

Hello all,

I promise that a much meatier blog post will be forthcoming in the next couple of days.  Until then, please sate your appetites for updates from Senegal with this map of GUINGUINEO.  I've marked relevant landmarks and thought you might all be intrigued by a bird's eye view of where we live.  The satellite image is both old, and during the dry season (judging from how non-green everything is) so please believe it's not always that desert-y looking here.

I apologize to those of you who are not familiar with google maps.  I figured it was the most ubiquitous technological platform on which to share this type of information.  If you're having trouble, have a grandkid come over to help out.

Namm nanu leen,  (we miss you all)


  1. Thanks so much for posting this! Can you tell us how far it is from your home to another location, so we can have some scale?

    1. There is a scale at the bottom left of the map, I believe, but to put things in terms of walk-time (the relevant measure of distance for in-town locations)... It takes ~20 minutes to walk from our house to Via's Boutique, if we aren't stopped by chatty towns people.

